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Add an auto-close feature for submenus such as Tasks and Map.   PLZ!!!

I need the Chinese version

(1 edit)

Damn, I don't speak Engrish well, and here it is Chinese...

I get an error every time I want to improve the skills. what do I do?

Please read "IMPORTANT!!!" section

One of the files is no longer available



I'm having trouble with the girls library, it won't move past the first few girls so I can't see the other ones. I am on Mac.

Hi, you can scroll through this list by holding down the left mouse button

Thank you!

Apk please πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bro, if I knew how to make Android install it, I’d gladly do it. But I don’t know how to get Android to install an APK larger than 2GB. I’ve found an alternative, which I mentioned above. Install my Joiplay and its plugin (links are above) and play on your phone.

There is a site called platinmods. They have Android port of the latest version of this game. You can contact the modder there and ask them about android porting or just paste there link of downloading the apk.

But there's only 0.1.4

(1 edit)

Hi,i have a bug where the game just go black after going to the streets when you use the map for the first time,the text and conversation shows but the rest is Just Black saying image not found

Next update can u make the map button bigger, i deleted the game cause i couldn't click the map on Android

I am really liking the game so far, but I have a few issues.

After finding the book, junk stopped spawning.

With the quest "Sara's progress", it says to ask her about it in her room in the morning, but when I talk to her I only have an option that says later.

With the quest "No need for rebellion", it says find someone who can draw a portrait, location Sara's room in the morning but nothing happens.

Hope you can help

Hi, thank you. I can't check your problem now because I won't be home until September 1st. Just wait a little, okay?

Hello, is there any follow up on the Sara's progress quest? I am having the same issue.

What part are you at right now?

I've gotten to the point where I am waiting on Sara's clothes and have raised her heart to full but cannot raise her affection to 1 for the cooking part. I am also at the part where Jeff needs his wheelchair.

Sorry, but I can’t remember exactly what you need to do right now. However, I can say for sure that you need to focus on other quests, especially the Jeff quests.

I'm stuckHow much do you really needMoney to buy a house


A nice game so far. But isn't the fishing greatly unbalanced? 2 out of three buttons a failure and they take 2 ponts while the success only gives one...

I didn't even manage to catch one fish to sell. Does it get easier or is there a chance to realize the failures?


Hi, thanks for the review. I wouldn't mind if you rated the game on this site.

I always (almost) catch the fish with the maximum reward. There is no random, you can hover the fish icon with cursor and see if it is real or not.

If you are playing on your phone, I have enlarged the icons for convenience. You need to press your finger on the screen anywhere where there is no fish. Then, without lifting your finger from the screen, aim at the fish icons. Release your finger from the screen when you reach the desired icon.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh great, that did it for me. I'm playing on Android and I didn't see it under my fingersπŸ˜….

Thank you for the fast reply. 


The main story progression was just great also the new soundtracks, really liked it. 

Now about 0.21, the saves seem to work fine atleast for me, no errors no crashes (PC), however the quest 'No need for a rebellion' doesn't seem to progress for some reason like even after completion the conditions for next steps don't change it still says to ask sara to draw a portrait (completed it multiple times) it even unlocks the new quests which are said to be updated in upcoming versions, still no changes in condition for rebellion quest. Also it seemed like the material resources just weren't there on the street as well as the lake, I maxed out clean city and scavenger from the book. 

As for new content mentioned in 0.21 devlog, I don't know if I am missing or overlooked something but I can't find a way to trigger 1) the event with Eliza during the day 2) Events at gym and also its location. Maybe this has to do something with above mentioned quest issue?  Does it need something done specifically or is it something I've missed? Can't really say if this is a bug or not just describing what I'm facing.


Hi. I'm not home right now, I can check this only tomorrow afternoon. The quest with Eliza is activated if you go into the hall of the house during the day.

Perhaps I forgot to turn off the quest with the portrait after completing it.

Can't seem to activate the Eliza quest tried going to hall in every time phase still nothing, maybe its due to the above mentioned issue with quest? The quest conditions for next step  don't change no matter how many times you do the quest, I don't think I'm missing anything, so its probably an issue causing it to loop.


Honestly, I'm sleepy and can't quite understand what's wrong on your end; it's working fine for everyone else. Send me a screenshot in Discord

Apologies but I don't use discord, although I'll try to describe the issue a final time. 

1. The 'No need for a rebellion' quest activates by interacting with jeff in the hall at evening

2. On completing it you need to ask sara for the portrait, after you get the portrait and done with the quest you unlock other upcoming quests as well

3. Now, here it just loops back to the 1st step, the guide just says to ask jeff in the hall in the evening, here is where I'm facing problems progressing ahead.

As you said for Eliza quest to activate you need to be in hall during the day, but it didn't activate for me. I've completed the previous steps in the quest but its just bringing it back to the start of the quest. I did a fresh download, put the maps.rpyc file and started a new save as well. Since you said its working fine for everyone else then I'll just wait for the next update.

Sorry if this got too annoying or something, its a great game, looking forward to the main story. 


No, you're not annoying, believe me. I'm just curious why this happened and how you ended up in this situation. I'll try to figure it out, okay?
The only thing I've noticed so far is that the quest with Jeff can be repeated an infinite number of times because I forgot to set a limit. This mistake isn't critical for now, so I'll just fix it.
The quest with Eliza is called "... debt" (something like that). We're talking about that one, right?

stuck in a loop where go into the chest for the second time, but when I am done and try to leave to do something else I get stuck in a loop and do the scene again. This loops endlessly.

I left a link to the file in the comments on the game. Download it and place it in the game folder.

is just me or this update destroit all old saves?




i did. that was the cause of the old saves to break. 

But dont worry i just start  a new save. good game BTW

I have played the Android version of this game through some special channels. I thought it had been adapted, but it turned out to be the opposite. I hope the author can make this excellent game available on Android!

Hi. Done. I hope it works


Guys, download this and just drop it into the game folder. It’s a fix for some bugs.


Dev.. I will waiting for Android ver.. (for now or maybe someday I have to download in my pc)

is there no more android?


The Android version will be available once I solve the problem associated with it. No matter how much I’ve googled, I can’t find a way to make Android install an APK larger than 2 GB.


Will there be impreg?


I think it’s possible, but at most as an ending.

please do! keep up the good work otherwise!

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game but Interaction with Sara is too little... Btw Good Game

[p.s.  I want Sara Update plssssss Dev]


Hi. I'll be releasing an update in the next few days, which will include 5.5 events with Sara. Also, I hope my idea will finally work, allowing frequent updates without forcing you to restart the game from the beginning each time.


Nice Dev... Even though I still don't delete your game.. it still in my phone


i cannot access the map for some reason it just appears gray


Hello. Um, how is that possible? This is the first time I've heard of such an issue. Was everything fine before, or did you download it for the first time and get such a strange error?

It happened after i returned home to wait for the bar to open so i could give the knight guy a beer

alright it somehow fixed


Wow, what helped? Reinstalling the game?

i even tried staring new games and even deleted the application and installed it again


Oh damn, I get it. I have a headache today, so I’m having a hard time thinking. You somehow managed to get home at a point in the game when the map should have been disabled, if I understand correctly. How did you do this?


I'm sorry for the comparison. I really love HHG, so I hope that in the future you will have the perfect game. I love this type of game, but it's not always possible to find such games. I hope that you will succeed!)


Thank you

i need help i cant max out zoras heart lvl its stuck at 0 for me no matter how  much i spend time with her 


Hello. The symbol of a full red heart at the moment represents the maximum availability. There is currently no content with her.


ok thanks


Please be better than the hero's harem guild dev


Hi. What are you talking about?


i could be incorrect but i think he means done be like that games dev and say a year or two too come out with big updates or take forever in general to release new updates

Android version here, im a little stuck on the picking up trash. I got the first 2 when you leave the store, but ive gone through multiple day cycles and nothing else has appeared. 

Hi. If you have a task to collect it for the first time, then you need to go ahead down the street and collect two more. After completing the quest, the material will start appearing daily.

The scrap outside the shop and the log? I collected those 2. And went back to her, for her to say she needs 4 pieces of trash. I also tried a new playthrough but it's still the same.

You can go further down the street.  Where the guard sits on the chair.

I completely forgot about that area. Thank you!

Hello so there is a problem with the navigation. I can't seem to get into where  Clara & Zoya work to talk to them. It does not give me a option to click anywhere to enter. Also does not show up in the quick menu ether.


Do you mean the moment where there is only a palace or a house on the map?

(1 edit)

Yes. Also can you extend the time on the cooking?


I plan to implement different difficulty levels for these mini-games, so that will be changed. I'm not sure if it will be in the next update or not, but it will happen. I made some edits to that part of the game. For the MC, it's important to deal with Eliza first, so there are no other options there. Complete the task with her, then you'll have free movement

And wait, did you skip game to the clinic?


I'm going to bed, so regardless of your response, I'll say:
If you started the game from the very beginning, there is indeed a moment where you can't enter the store. However, there are no bugs. The MC doesn't go inside because he owes money to the store. Get the first money from Eliza and then return to the store.


Thank you for the help.  After that it fine. 




Thank you! Happy holidays to you too! (And to everyone who reads this)


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading < object ('images/image_maps/places/night/street_2_2.webp') at 0x0000000008cccdc0>:

  File "game/game_starting.rpy", line 49, in <module>

OSError: Couldn't find file 'images/image_maps/places/night/street_2_2.webp'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 1 more time]

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 10 more times]

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 19 more times]

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 57 more times]

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 3 more times]

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 15 more times]

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 8 more times]

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 7 more times]

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 17, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 73, in script call

  [Previous line repeated 4 more times]

  File "game_starting.rpyc", line 49, in script

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\", line 1138, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/game_starting.rpy", line 49, in <module>

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\", line 3336, in call_screen

    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\", line 299, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 3499, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 4089, in interact_core

    self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 2699, in draw_screen

    surftree = renpy.display.render.render_screen(

  File "render.pyx", line 492, in renpy.display.render.render_screen

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 886, in render

    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 886, in render

    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 886, in render

    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 909, in render

    return RenderTransform(self).render(width, height, st, at)

  File "accelerator.pyx", line 979, in renpy.display.accelerator.RenderTransform.render

  File "accelerator.pyx", line 404, in renpy.display.accelerator.RenderTransform.render_child

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 676, in render

    return cache.get(self, render=True)

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 330, in get

    surf = image.load()

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 803, in load

    raise e

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\display\", line 757, in load

    filelike = renpy.loader.load(self.filename, directory="images")

  File "D:\itch\apps\the-seam\TheSeam-0.1.3-pc\renpy\", line 833, in load

    raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)

OSError: Couldn't find file 'images/image_maps/places/night/street_2_2.webp'.

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


The seam 0.1.3

Thu Dec 28 17:55:22 2023



Hi! This error probably only appears at night, because I forgot to insert the necessary file. It will be fixed in the next version. In any case, there is no content there at the moment, so it's not critical.

Great game but I am stupid and forgot how to fish lmao


Thanks. What did you forget, exactly?


1 mote list of my favorite game


Good game! Follow!




Any plans for Android?

(tried playing this using Joiplay, and it crashes it on-load... but other games work fine so I just summed it up as the game being too much for the emulator or something)



I haven't tried running the game on Android yet, so I don't know exactly what's causing the issue. In the next update, I want to attempt to create Mac and Android versions, but I can't make a complete promise at the moment.

I hope everything works out.


If you see any bugs, please let me know.


With the newly added quest interface it is better now, before the quests and content was hard to keep track of and confusing as well on what to do next, nevertheless the story is  good, looking forward to it, as the game seems interesting so far! I have a request, is it possible to know which soundtracks are used specially in the beginning just after starting game.



I was thinking of making a widget that would show the name of the music, but I don't know when I'll get around to doing it. I can drop the file in my discord if you want.


So I guess the feature showing all the music used in the game will be added in a much later version. Though I'm sorry but I don't use discord, is it possible to link the file here or provide a name for the soundtrack?


Are you talking about this?


Yes that's the one, thank you very much! Looking forward for the story continuation and soundtracks in the upcoming versions.


Any plans for a MacOS version?


I'll add it soon


Renpy wrote that everything went well with the MacOS version build, but I've already realized that he's not always trustworthy.
If you see any bugs, please let me know.


Ho ho ho. Cringe is my favorite genre


Just a pinch


very great game!!


Thanks for you comment! I really appreciate it and I'm glad you liked it. Look forward to the next updates!